Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Day with Avery

The other day my mom and I went down to Lehi to spend the day with Avery. We went to Thanksgiving Point to see the animals. It was so much fun :) We fed the ducks, rode on the horses, saw the cows and goats, rode on a carriage (just like Cinderella :), and topped it off with lunch at Kneaders. Its always so much fun to play with Avery! Thanks Avery for such a fun day! :)


stacy h. said...

avery LOVES the paynes! :) i think thanksgiving point farm is her favorite place too, it must have been one of the best days of her life when you guys took her there!

jodeeharris said...

Awe, this post made me so happy! I was sad I didn't send my camera with you guys because I knew Avery's face would be THAT happy that day. Glad you guys got some pics. Thanks to all of you for being so good to her...she loves you so much. She keeps talking about the carriage ride with you and the horse named Jodi!